What bothers you and why?

Daily writing prompt
What bothers you and why?

The biggest one would be realizing that many things are outside of my control.

As a business owner, the frustration arises from the feeling of being at the mercy of circumstances despite putting in significant efforts.
The constant cycle of proposal submission, unanswered (or no response) proposals, and unresponsive networking attempts add to this sense of powerlessness over the outcomes.

However, I also know that feeling of frustration from uncontrollable outcomes would be a “fool’s errand.”

2 thoughts

  1. It is indeed frustrating when so many things are out of our control. However, we can focus on what we have control over and do our best to make the right decisions. Having a positive attitude also helps.


    1. Thanks for the comment. Positive attitude thing is so fickle…one minute I am the “can do anything person”, and then the next minute, wondering if I even have energy to “start” the project that seems huge.

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