What I’d take with me on a surprise getaway

My friends and I joke all the time about spontaneously getting on a plane, escaping the continent, and never looking back. Bad breakup? Not sure where you’re going with life? Broken nail before a big event? Hop on a plane and never return. It really makes me think about the days before technology where you could actually start a new life somewhere else with a new identity and nobody would raise an eyebrow.

Anyways, here are five pieces I’d bring with me if I had 20 minutes to get to the airport and never return.

Brand new boots

I just bought these Karl Lagerfeld boots from Saks off the Fifth at the Niagara Falls outlet. It was love at first sight for me! I told myself I’d be more frugal, but $150 for a pair of leather boots with Chanel design elements was too good to pass up on. They’re not the most practical shoes to be travelling in, but I’d gladly do the walk of shame for them.

Black jeans

My bestie and I recently ordered these jeans from a Korean website. They advertised that their jeans will make you look 5kg slimmer. Spoiler alert: they’re really not that different from regular jeans. I’m not mad though…they’re very sleek fitting and the quality is good. More importantly, black jeans go with any outfit. God knows I’ll need an extremely versatile piece if I’m not sure what the heck I’ll be wearing.


MK bag

I have three MK bags and all of them are very dear to me. If I could only bring one, I’m really not sure which one I’d choose. For practical reasons, the small pink one is out of the question. So that leaves the logo tote and the oversize black one. The logo tote is more comfortable to carry around, but the black one matches better with the Karl Lagerfeld boots I previously saved. It can hold more, but it’s also quite heavy. Which would you bring?



The one nice blouse I have

There are so many situations in life when you need a nice blouse. Like a job interview, important meeting, or you just want to look more polished. This top from my post on buying fewer cheap clothes is still the only nice one I own. I did buy a few better quality clothes since then…which are nicer oversize clothes like cardigans and sweaters.

Furry shawl

To be honest, I’m not really sure when I’d wear this if I were starting a new life in another country. I’ve only ever wore this three times in my whole life- two times at fashion industry events and one time for a photo shoot.

However, I simply can’t leave this behind for sentimental reasons. I bought this at River Island while on exchange in Manchester. I actually shopped around for it. I absolutely refused to leave England without a buying a furry shawl.



What would you take with you if you were leaving the rest of your life behind?

Let’s chat in the comments below!

Also swing by my personal blog for an exciting announcement!

Author: Jin Cao

I am a multi-faceted designer, fashion blogger, makeup enthusiast, lover of cats, and connoisseur of ramen! Writer of LeggingsandLacquer.com Main fashion writer of Onahjung.com Find my work at Jinmartini.com

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